Desmond Che
JoinIT Solutions – Graduate
It takes patience, endurance and talent to be a teacher, but at JoinIT you guys make it look so easy day after day. I hope you know just how much we all appreciate you.
Your passion for what you do @JoinIT has helped me find my own passion. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and to many others. Through obstacles and difficult days, you have kept a cool head and a warm heart to see us through this session.
Celebrating the 6 students who have had jobs so far, and the rest of us who will have offers in the days and weeks ahead is just the beginning of a successful road trip. Let’s keep fear aside and keep on applying and take those interviews. You are next in line. I do not know any better than the rest of us… it’s a Turn by turn. Pray as if all depended on God and work as if all depended on you. We are celebrating you already…
My gratitude goes to Prof. Brian, Galabe, Ephraim, Alian, Akum, Barbs and all the JoinIT Team for their Dedication to our Success.
Secondly to all my Classmates, Especially Mommy Mira, Kris, Rosaria, Muh, Vitex and in short you, you and you.
Finally, to the next person who is in line, and whose picture is our profile picture; congratulations 🍾, I’m celebrating you already.
Desmond Che
Graduate JoinIT Solutions April 2020

About us
JOINIT Solutions LLC is an IT Consultancy specialized in bridging the IT Gap by supporting individuals in starting or developing a career in IT and offering advanced IT services that enable organizations and small businesses to transform their operations through innovative IT solutions and leverage our networks to find and recruit top IT talents.
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