Besides taking a Hands-on training to become a Database Administrator, one very important component that most aspiring DBAs forget to consider is certification. Although certifications are not a requirement for all DBA jobs out there, most companies now-our-days, turn to give more attention to certified candidates over their peers who are not certified. Because these companies did not train you, they turn to rely on a global standard use to evaluate applicant’s competency and this is where certification comes in.

Microsoft has clearly outlined the Certification path for MSSSQL Server database administration starting with Microsoft Technology Associate in Database fundamental (MTA) to Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE). Microsoft recently announced changes in the certification path. However, MTA certification is still maintained as it is an entry level certification that validates fundamental technology knowledge.

Base on the above facts, although our SQL database administration training is focused on giving you the hands-on experience in performing all task related to database administration, demonstrate working knowledge as a DBA, work on real life DBA projects, Resume review and interview preparation, we also take into account the certification route in providing the necessary certification path and material to our trainees. Within the first 6 weeks of training, our trainees will have the knowledge and material ready to Write and pass the MTA Certification in database fundamentals.

A great resource we recommend for all aspiring trainees is’s MTA 98-364 Database Fundamentals Preparation Course

Why do we recommend this course?

  1. This course will give you the fundamental knowledge and prepare you for our SQL Server DBA upcoming hands-on training.
  2. This will introduce our trainees to  database administration and Microsoft certifications.
  3. Trainees who complete this course and get a certification of completion from udemy will have a 5% discount off the training fees.

Through our Training programs, we accompany anyone interested in starting or developing an IT career at any level with highly marketable skills which will equip you with everything you need to become professionally certified, highly employable or ready to kick-start your own venture.

Keep in touch with us to be informed about our programs and events.